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Bergsetbreen - 2318 Save

Bergsetbreen is an eastern outlet from Jostedalsbreen close to Høgste Breakulen. Measurements from 1899-45, 1966-68 and 1996-2006 are tied together using dated moraine ridges and mapped glacier outlines.

1984 - 2019
Year area

1984 10.5 N50
2006 11.15 Landsat
2019 10.94 Sentinel-2
1900 - 2006
Year Length change (m) Cumulative length change (m)
1900 0 Start
1903 -113 -113
1907 61 -52
1908 42 -10
1909 17 7
1910 15 22
1911 -11 11
1912 -20 -9
1913 -5 -14
1914 -13 -27
1915 -24 -51
1916 -21 -72
1917 -20 -92
1918 -25 -117
1919 -26 -143
1920 -6 -149
1921 -19 -168
1922 -12 -180
1923 21 -159
1924 31 -128
1925 52 -76
1926 -8 -84
1927 2 -82
1928 3 -79
1929 8 -71
1930 17 -54
1931 1 -53
1932 -6 -59
1933 -6 -65
1934 -28 -93
1935 -14 -107
1936 -39 -146
1937 -44 -190
1938 4 -186
1939 -41 -227
1940 -33 -260
1941 -29 -289
1942 -66 -355
1943 -60 -415
1944 -42 -457
1945 -160 -617
1966 -541 -1158
1967 10 -1148
1968 12 -1136
1993 390 -746
1996 157 -589
1997 18 -571
1998 1 -570
1999 -3 -573
2000 9 -564
2001 -13 -577
2002 -17 -594
2003 -19 -613
2004 -45 -658
2005 -15 -673
2006 -122 -795